About: BBS Live On Foundation's

Benjamin Bissan Shekari Lives on Foundation (BBSLOF) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Kaduna-Nigeria- West Africa. Its head office is at Tudun Wada Kudansa (Mararaban  Rido), Kaduna The Foundation was inaugurated  on 11th  December,  2011. It is incorporated as a Non-Profit Organization with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Number- CAT/IT/NO. 54303.
Over the years it has been established that incidences of violence, rights violations, substance abuse, and poor health service delivery, gender marginalization, alcoholism, and HIV AIDS among the youth is on the increase in Nigeria

The spread of these vices both locally and internationally have inspired concerned individuals to seek for ways of curbing these menace.  As a direct response and contribution to minimizing/eradicating this menace which is spreading like wild fire, the Benjamin Bissan Shekari Lives on Foundation (BBSLOF) was established.

This is also an extension of a deep passion in the heart of a young man late Benjamin Bissan Shekari to see an improvement in the lives of the less privileged in our society. We work among children,  fight for  gender equality,  advocating    for  human rights,  peace promotion,  advocating  value for education,  empowering  the disables, helping to prevent  drug  abuse  by  public  sensitization   through  the  print  and  electronic media. We also treat and/or rehabilitate drug abused persons especially among the youths.

Over the years, BBSLOF, have through her programmes and projects, accomplished much in respect to this multi- facet vision.
These includes:
1.       Health Services (drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS) We collaborate  with  seasoned  hospitals  and medical  consultants  for obvious  referral  cases noticed in the  course of counselling

2.       Peace promotion: Training  and  sensitizing  the populace  on conflict  prevention  and peace-building   through outreach activities,  such  as public  awareness  and rallies.  We are committed to the promotion of peace and harmony.  BBSLOF helps government institutions   in initiating programs   that are aimed at deepening and consolidating peaceful coexistence among the populace. We also provide innovative approaches for enhancing participation  and transparency  both  inside and outside  government
3.       Counselling and Rehabilitation activities: We focus  on  counselling,  rehabilitating   and  treating  drug  addicts,  alcoholics,  people  with disabilities and people living with HIV /AIDS (PLWHA) and activism atrocity or riots. These, we do with the ultimate aim of getting them re- integrated back to the society.

4.      Gender Equality:
Education: work     with     educators         and policymakers  to improve learning, build the capacity       of       teachers       and
administrators      and   improve    the   standard     of experts  for consulting  and training  services  within the educational    sector by working with primary, Secondary   and   tertiary   institutions   through   our
programs and projects.

Click  https://youtu.be/aACX9U-XQcE   to view some of BBSLOF activities, programmes and projects on youtube)