WARNING: If You See Your Kids Sitting In THIS Position, Stop Them! The Reason Why? I Had No Clue.

#1 The "W" Position

Children find this position to be comfortable when playing with toys, as it provides lots of stability for them.

#2 Dangerous

This position has been proven to be dangerous for children who may develop orthopedic problems which could include delayed development of refined motor skills, and delayed development of postural control and stability.

#3 Stress

This poses stresses the hips and knees, with their ability to rotate their body, reduced.

#5 V Sitting

The "V" sitting position is a healthier alternative that is comfortable and allows the child to reach and have more movement. If you can catch it early, you can break the 'W" sitting habit.

#6 Cross Legged Position

The cross-legged position is a great alternative to the "W" position as it helps the child develop good posture in the upright position which reduces strain on the hips and knees.